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Artis Indonesia
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Hi, my name is Liudmila. I'm from Rusia. Here I send my photo 2 you.. And this is my comment for the photo:" Hello my new friend!!! I\'m very glad, that we have found each other. Iconsider you very interesting man and wanted to study you better. Ishall tell to you a little about myself. My name is Liudmila, my ageof 28 years old. I was not married and I live in an apartment withgrandmother. Your friend Liudmila.
Email Addreses :
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Pit Darmawijaya
Hi, my name is Pit Darmawijaya. I'm from Indonesia. Here I send my photo 2 you.. And this is my comment for the photo:" Hi, my name\'sPit Darmawijaya Kusuma Adtmajha California Highway Patrols (CHIPS). I live in Medan City and worked in Nias island (Sumatera Utara). So... I sent my Pict 2 U.. and my comment 4 the photo:\" Hi dear all, I wanted this foto actually for all of the people to know that,and I\'d like you to feel free to see me about it, in confidence, of course. I hope this photo will be useful to U. please feel free to contact me at any 08526232352X "
Email address :
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Hi, my name is Jennie. I'm from Skandiv. Here I send my photo 2 you.. And this is my comment for the photo:" Hello All, Do you like me? "
Email address :
Im sorry got censor.
Hi, my name is Murny. I'm from Nias_indonesia. Here I send my photo 2 you.. And this is my comment for the photo:" Dikenal banyak orang adalah cita2 ag,makanya ag post pic ag di sini biar bisa dekenal banyak orang en bisa dapet banyak teman.Klo ada jg produsen film yang mau nawarin buat meranin apapu boleh juga tuh.He he he ga pernah mimpi,abis ag anak pulau yang jauh dari keramaian seh.Tp klo memang benar ada yang minat ga masalah juga tuh.Dah dulu yah comment ag ntar nt klo terlalu banyak orang bisa bosen. "
Email address :
Monday, January 22, 2007
Muchlis Marshal Pakpahan
Hi, my name is Muchlis Marshal Pakpahan. I'm from Batam Indonesia. Here I send my photo 2 you.. And this is my comment for the photo:" Haloo semuanya. Ohya.. Salam kangen buat tulang Fuad yang di Jogya. Tulang udah lama ya kita gk ketemu. Sekarang aku kuliah di STMIK PUTERA BATAM jurusan Komputer Akuntansi. Gimana kabar tulang Ican,Qio dsb? Sekali lagi salam kangen. "
Email address :
Bayi Lucu
Hi, my name is Bayi lucu. I'm from Indonesia. Here I send my photo 2 you.. And this is my comment for the photo:" Saya pengen terkenal Pak... bantuin ya!! mohon .... saya pengen cepet terkenal "
Email address :
Sabar... belajar nyanyi dulu sayang !!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Autofocus or Out of Focus?
by Rolando Gomez
The sharpness of your subject’s “eyes” are critical in an image. Many beginning photographers with autofocus cameras tend to have the nose, chin or shoulder in focus, forgetting to place their focusing spot on the subject’s eyes when shooting. This is a prominent problem with photographers spoiled by autofocus cameras. Photographers who tend to rely on the camera, which by default focus at the center of the image.
As an example, after I’ve made my 72 dpi resolution tiff, with the longest side of the image at 450 pixels, I then run it through a droplet on my desktop created in Adobe ImageReady or I use Photoshop and "save for web." This reduces your file size considerably, as no image preview is saved in the little jpg icon as well as other file size, reducting features.
If you learn to focus on the eyes, compose the image, shoot and then save the final image as a jpeg when needed, your subject’s eyes will be sharp and you will not be labeled as a soft-shooter.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Hi, my name is liudmul . I'm from Rusia. Here I send my photo 2 you..
And this is my comment for the photo:
" Hello I have considered your profile, to me it seems to me very much
approaches also to me it would be desirable to learn about you much
more.Please give me the e-mail your adress. I shall write to
and I shall send the photo. You can write to me to the address "
Email address :